Sl. No. | Client | Description of Work | Work Order/Contract No. | Year of Completion | Length |
1 | ASSAM GAS COMPANY LTD. | Laying/Construction of 300mm (12”) steel pipeline for Nambor-Golaghat-Numaligarh area gas pipeline project. (Section-I) | AGCL/GMB/PMC-GHT/LAYING/SEC-I-TIRATNA/2020/01 | IN PROGRESS | 17 KM |
2 | OIL INDIA LTD. | Coating refurbishment work for Oil India ltd. pipeline in the state of Assam, West Bengal & Bihar. | 1049/TTE/SP-02/LOA/01 | IN PROGRESS | 72 KM |
3 | OIL INDIA LTD. | Laying of 200mm (8”) x 8.2 km gas pipeline from Nadua OCS to Dikom OCS. | 6112513 | IN PROGRESS | 8.2 KM |